Monday, November 16, 2009

Man! It's November!

Can you believe it? Where did October go? I think that this year I started out strong and was way excited about all the things I was going to implement. Then I got sick and all that went away. I've been most consistent with making and using Notebook files with Storytown for literacy and our ELD times. My blog has been suffering as I haven't updated for a whole month. So many ideas and time is just flying by! As soon as I find a usb cord, I'm going to upload the pictures of the rotting pumpkin outside my classroom. The only downside is that I've been out of my class for a week and will be for another week (b/c my student teacher is flying solo) and haven't been able to execute a very good science experiment... oh, well. At least you can check out our pictures!! Go to and make some comments! :) My class will check it out when I'm back in my classroom!

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