Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thoughts heading in to summer...

Looking back, we have grown exponentially in the classroom. The class blog is a testimony to that . We have shared lessons, projects, and strategies. However, as I end the year, I find myself not so much reflecting on what I did last year, but more about what I can do for the upcoming year. We watched a slide show today in class of pictures that I had put together throughout the year. As I watched it and enjoyed the memories with the class, I found myself critiquing the show and planning how I would do it differently next time. Every lesson involving technology sparks an idea to connect it to another one in a different content area. I'm looking forward to the summer to plan and prepare and enhance. Thanks to all of you who share your ideas and experiences here! Its such an exciting group to be a part of, and you all have such a wealth of knowledge and skill enhancing your own classrooms with technology. Thank you for the inspiration! See you in the Fall!

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