Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Geography with Smart Notebook

In second grade we read about a boy in South Korea who wants a bagel from New York. He writes an order for a bagel, ties it on the leg of a pigeon, and sends the pigeon to fly to New York. Naturally, my students have no idea where either of those places are, or how far a distance it is. To build background, I used resources from Smart Notebook, Google Earth, and United Streaming. The South Korean flag, the outline of the country, and an outline map of Asia are already in the gallery of Smart Notebook. There are outline maps for each continent listed in 'files and pages.' There are outlines of all the countries of the world under 'pictures.' The sizes of the country maps match the continent map exactly. I placed the colored shape of South Korea onto the large map. I did something similar for a biography of Gabriela Mistral from Chile. Certainly, there are many other possibilities for these map outlines and shapes beyond story settings. Has anyone else used them?

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