Friday, August 31, 2007

Weekly Sound Project

Each week my students will be finding words with the sound for that week. Above is the SmartBoard portion of the project we completed in small groups throughout the week. For many, it was a good experience in handwriting (and alignment as the card/board moved). The students were in heterogeneous groups so they could help each other identify/hear words with the short a sound. Students each had to have their own word - no repeats! After a few days of practice, they sounded out their word and wrote it on the SmartBoard and then today we created the attached video. The lighting isn't great, but we truly only had about 10 minutes to do our best! There was a line on the floor, but they all wanted to be right next to the camera, but can you blame them? All so new and exciting.

We'll definitely have some editing thoughts for next week! We used to create the video. The best parts about this site is that it's easy and the sound comes through great. The hard part is there is no editing!

It will be awesome to watch how much they grow and change in the weeks to come.


Jeff Lewis said...

They are so proud of themselves! This is a great motivational tool. I think they will want to do their very best considering it is being recorded. I thought this was great. Did you use the webcam to record the video?

Thanks for sharing.

Dave Tarwater said...

What an exciting classroom, your students are really going to fly!! When can I visit?

Joseph Miller said...

I bet the students had a blast making that video. Do parents know where to look to see their child in action?

I think you can record straight into Movie Maker from your web camera. Movie Maker will allow some editing, adding some music, and some simple transitions. You will have to do all the editing as it would take some time to teach the kids how to use this program.

Cool stuff!

MntyaFam said...

Lovin' it!!!! You guys are soooo smart! Hi Madeline!