Friday, June 8, 2007

Multimedia Project Ideas

First, check out the latest edition of THE Journal, with the article entitled Podcasts: Where's the Learning?

The following ideas for multimedia projects were submitted by Chilton Foley-Reynolds, co-teacher for the June 11/12 workshops on podcasting and filmmaking.

1. Create multi-media project to introduce teacher or new subject

2. Record a multi-media project to tell the steps in a multi-step project. Then students can access the instructions when ever they need them.

3. Use multi-media projects as a way to listen to students’ reading patterns. They have to record themselves reading and listen back to it. They can then evaluate their reading performance and try to improve in the next recording.

4. Use multi-media projects as a final project. The students have to create a multi-media project using the information they learned during a unit of instruction.

5. Use multi-media projects to introduce the concept of an audience. They would have to adapt their podcasts to different audiences: children, students, adults . . .

6. Use multi-media projects as an option for assessments. Instead of writing a paper, they could create a multi-media project to summarize their learnings.

INTERACTIVE - Participator
7. Use multi-media projects as an evaluation tool. The students have to create a multi-media project about a certain subject. Then all of the podcasts are listened to during class and evaluated according to the matrix set up. Then students would have a chance to go back an edit their presentations.

8. Create a weekly multi-media project, produced by the students, that explains concepts taught that week.

1 comment:

Mr. Tomas said...

I like #'s 3, 5, and 6. I remember in middle school building GI-joe representations of Historical battles to display at the fair. Imagine having a student create a small video clip with commentary and clips from actual war footage, or any topic, for a final. That sounds like a cool idea