Tuesday, June 19, 2007

MIT Open Courseware

This morning Will Richardson introduced the crowd at TIE Colorado to MIT Open Courseware. This is a site at MIT that posts the content, including audio and video of courses. All these courses can be taken for free online. This is a really neat site that opens doors for all of us.

Are there any Global Learners that would be willing to post their course guides, video and audio from their classroom?

1 comment:

Dave Tarwater said...

Will R. was compelling, he brought home for me the need for public education to take on the challenges of transforming teaching and learning to more closely match today's students. I especially liked his telling of a 21st Century teacher who told his students:"None of your work should be done for me, your work should have wings to reach the world" What student work will we see during next school year that "will have wings"?