Saturday, September 15, 2007

get that man a cape

Can we see about getting Tarwater a cape? I mean, he rushes into the classroom to save the day and I just think it would be more effective and dramatic.
Honestly, I can't believe how spoiled I am to have such an amazing resource so handy that I make a phone call and he "runs on up" to my classroom in about a minute to fix the problem. I used the math laptop cart today and there were some troubleshooting that always goes along with trying new technology. I think that is the part that most people weigh the frustration of those days with the benefits of the technology and give up. I just can't stress how vital Tarwater's piece is to the whole Global learners project and technology in the classroom in general. Thank you Adams 14 for recognizing this importance and having such a great tech TOSA!


Joseph Miller said...

I concur. Since I joined Adams 14 in 2003 Dave Tarwater has not only taught me (literally) everything I know about technology and education, but he has also always gone above and beyond expectation to ensure teachers and students have access to technology. We are lucky to have Dave!

Mr. Tomas said...

TarH2O rocks!

Protsman said...

Here! Here! I say three cheers for the man!

TDeaguero said...

Who's Dave?
But seriously, I agree that Dave is one of the most valuable resources we have at ACHS. along those lines I feel we are also very lucky to have Joe Miller in our district and that our district is willing to invest in us and provide us in the technology that we have.
With this comes tremendous responsibility. Are we in danger of letting the dazzle of something new distract us from the fundamental concepts that are called for in our content areas?