Sunday, September 16, 2007

Blogging Improves Writing...

Here is a link to an article I received through my classblogmeister group. I found it very fitting after my first trial with first graders and the laptops. Their behavior was wonderful in preparation for writing their first blog article. Once they turned the laptop on and I got them started, they were able to navigate quite well. Once I showed them one thing, they taught the other students who were a couple of steps behind.

They copied their writing into their blog after writing a draft on paper. Wow, they got right to work on their article knowing anyone might look at it. The only instruction I gave them for their article was that they had to choose a topic they wanted to share with the world. Now, if only we could work on using the space bar...

Our class blog
- check out their articles, they did a great job!

1 comment:

Wesley Robinson said...

Great lesson Kelly! I am very impressed how your 1st graders were able to post their own blogs. They must feel a connection to the technology. I am still looking for ways to get my students working online, and this was a really neat way.