Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Gift of the Human Imagination

"If you are not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with something original."--Sir Ken Robinson

To be inspired about the potential for educating our youth in the coming years see this TED presentation from 2006. Sir Ken Robinson leaves no doubt that as we consider altering the way we approach teaching and learning that we should swing for the fences. Learning should not be a contrived and irrelevant experience, but should focus on creating problem-solvers that understand how to exploit their strengths. Our goal should be to have Kick Butt Users every step of the way (teachers and students).

1 comment:

Dave Tarwater said...

I have had the opportunity to hear "Sir Ken" speak in person, he always delivers an insightful and entertaining message. I certainly agree that the education world needs to look at how to best educate the whole child and discover ways to foster imagination and creativity. All of us overtly or covertly yearn for the opportunities to engage in learning that allows us to create in areas of our personal interests.