Monday, February 12, 2007

Curriculum Wikis

The recent release of curriwiki has attracted a significant amount of attention. It was featured on the frontpage of eschool News and has been covered in numerous blogs. Curriwiki is described as a community of educators working together to create quality materials that will benefit educators worldwide. When it comes down to it curriwiki is a place that anyone can upload school related materials. For example, someone can upload a powerpoint or a link to a cool website. Curriwiki is a place to share materials.

Curriwiki is not a curriculum wiki. A curriculum wiki is place where educators and (perhaps) students could collaborate on the essential learnings and the best mechanism to get there. The curriculum (or comprehensive course of study) must be (mostly) open for editing and altering. A curriculum would be a place educators could share materials, but those materials must be aligned with some expected learnings. Instead of some outside force being the sole owner of the expectations and the path to get there, the participants in a true wiki are joining the ownership team.

Does anyone know of any examples where the curriculum is truly dynamic and available for mashup? Where minimally the teachers are participating in a constant way in setting the learning trajectories?

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