Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Blog Blah!

In a recent article in T.H.E. Journal, Patricia Deubel, Ph.D., discusses the ethics of blogging in the school setting. Some great ideas and references for building a structured blogging environment when using blogs in our schools. Dr. Deubel stresses teacher moderating and student monitoring. "In the end, ethical self-monitoring is what ensures that the blog is a vehicle of trusted content."
Check it out online.

1 comment:

Dave Tarwater said...

Good article. A very pragmatic approach for effective blogging with students. I find it ironic that as we are discussing 21st century global learning on this blog it could die from the maladay stated by the author for classroom blogs -"participation and responding is required by all"

No matter the level of technology use or even no technology use it seems Woody Allens prophetic statement holds true - "80% of success is just showing up"