Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Photo Story

Last week my students created a photo story. Before the students were allowed to get on computers, they had to write a “script.” The script made the students decide which pictures, text, and voice would be on each slide. Since the students all finished the script at different times, they all began finding pictures at various times. I soon realized the students took forever looking for just one picture. Next time my class uses photo story, I will put a timer on and everyone will have a certain amount of time to find any pictures they need. I found it helpful to tell the students to type a color into google so they could have plain colored slides. The students loved this project. It allowed them to show me what they learned from unit 1 and was a good writing assignment.

My class has also begun a blog website. I’m still trying to figure out exactly what I want it to look like but the students really enjoyed the first time we blogged. I plan on posting a question twice a month and each student will need to answer it on the website. I read for the math content as well as the structure of their writing. I was surprised how many students didn’t know to put 2 spaces in between sentences when typing. I’m going to have my friends and family get on the website and comment on the students’ entries. I hope that students will get excited that other people are reading their blogs. Also that it will encourage them to improve the quality of their entries as well as get their parents to go on and see.

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