Monday, March 3, 2008

153 Useful Educational iPod Resources

I’ve used my iPod to provide PowerPoints for my students. It makes for a great flash card tool. Great for first grade since I have a couple of students who need more help with sight words.

I found this article on Yahoo tech which points to a couple of other educational resources (Online Education Database and and I thought I'd share it:

The sites they mention are:

This link is for some really cool podcasts on Smartboards:
This is a cool link too. This is one I use for keeping up on my Spanish. It's a series of free podcasts (costs if you want the transcript) called NotesInSpanish: Its a fun way to learn on the go. Other languages resources from OpenCulture: -sadly there is nothing under Icelandic languages.
This site has tons of resources for podcasting:
Okay so that's more like 154 resources.
So how are you using your iPod?


Anonymous said...
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Tonia said...

Thanks Jon! This really helped I appreciate it! This is a reminder to me that this was one of my Goals at the beginning of the year! So, I guess I'll have to make my stipend time this month be dedicated to iPod activities!

Joseph Miller said...

Challenge to Global Learners: Anyone want to try some of these resources out with ELL? I have a pile of small Mp3 players that you could load with the English materials and send home with kids. You would have to setup assessments (or some other method to keep them engaged).

I just subscribed to Coffee Break Spanish. I agree it is sad there is no Icelandic.

Thanks for these great resources!
