Hi all. Here is the start of a list of links for collaboration projects. Please post others as "comments" and I will edit the post to include them. Lisa K will create a livebinder for this at a later date (thanks Lisa!)
global teacher
IB myp
voicethread for educators wiki spaces
ning group for voicethread
global education collaborative
classroom 2.0
global school network
This site lists many other sites to explore!
There's also the Global Education Collaborative: http://globaleducation.ning.com/
And Classroom 2.0: http://www.classroom20.com/
I put those links in the Collaborate Binder that is housed inside the Global Learner Links Binder in this blog's side bar.
This is the original clearinghouse for collaborative projects from across the globe - projects hosted by the Global SchoolNet Foundation, other reputable organizations, and outstanding partner projects conducted by teachers worldwide! Whether you choose to join an existing project or announce one of your own, GSN's Projects Registry promises to save you time!
I put this link in the Global Learner Collaborative Binder.
Thanks Doug and Lisa!
updated 6.12.9
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