Sunday, May 15, 2011

Virtual Labs

During our 6th grade plant and animal unit I ran across a virtual photosynthesis lab Virtual Plant Lab
that I was able to use with quite a bit of success with my 6th graders.  It was a great way to allow students to make predictions and get investigate the properties of light and their impact on plant growth.  I started this lesson by building a notebook file that essentially walked them through the key components of the scientific method.  As a class we worked from a testable question to a hypothesis and finally into the actual experiment.

I had the students work in pairs on laptops to setup the lab and collect data.  We graphed the data in class and wrote up an analysis of the lab when we were finished.

I also set up a blog entry on my collaborative blog to allow students to post their reflections and feedback on the lab when they had finished collecting an analyzing data.  The blog entry is here Reflections on Light.

I only had a few groups get to the point of being able to post, but I feel that the entire experience was very worthwhile and is definitely something I would like to continue to do in the future. 

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