Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October....scary...not just for Halloween!

As October is coming to an end. I have made a little progress in my venture to learn more technology. Kelly Berry has frequented my classroom a lot! I am still working on my wiki for Theme 1. I started with a simple idea, but it has grown into quite the project. Kelly and I are helping my students make movies using Windows Movie Maker. I am definitely learning a lot, but am struggling with getting all 30 students to the final piece. There have been some frustrations with computer glitches, kids losing their work, etc,but I started this project and will finish it!
Some positive things that have come out of this though are the lessons that Kelly and I have team taught in the classroom. We really exposed the children to the I do, We do, You do process in teaching Movie Maker. The engagement is high, and the children are really interested. I have also implemented the process during my small group instruction time.
I am also going to begin with using Photostory for our narratives, where I will collaborate with Ms. Taylor.
Other than that, I am continuing to use the Smart Board every day for my Storytown lessons,math ,and the writing sequence.
I will post some of my student's mini movies on my wiki and on my next blog.....I hope it is done by then..hahaha!
My title reflects how I am feeling about these projects,scared and a bit nervous, but I know I am learning every day.

1 comment:

Kelly Berry said...


I have enjoyed working with you and your students incorporating technology into the students' technology center. Now that they are able to understand and use the tool (movie maker), they will be able to create, edit, and present quality 21st Century Projects based on the curriculum content. Thanks for taking this on!!!