Sunday, August 29, 2010

Getting My Feet Wet

I have been so motivated for school this year knowing that it will be a year of risk taking and learning. I have started a wiki on the Themes in Storytown so each child will be able to post an essay while researching. I also have been using the Smartboard everyday. I have created a weekly notebook of plans for the first story in Storytown,and tonight...will get started on story 2.
Creating a daily notebook for the 90 minute reading sequence takes some time, but day to day, I am able to walk in and be prepared. I have incorporated some fun interactive, supplemental and enrichment activities that makes learning fun. The student's engagement is huge. I am still using the whiteboards, signals, etc, but the smartboard lessons make it so much more interesting for my students, and honestly me too!
I created the same for the new Weekly Writing sequence. I am able to capture the storytown graphic organizers and practice pages with the camera from the website. It is so convenient.
Math is where I find it to be the most helpful. There are some great resources out there that follow McGraw Hill math concepts,and I also created some of my own. I use the Smartboard lessons as a review of the day before.
I have read how other teachers are using the Smartboard for attendance and other parts of the day. I have created a spinner for how the children will read the core story,(ie:choral read, boys only,girls only,echo read etc) and a spinner to line up by tables. It is so simple, yet the children love it.
My next endeavor will be trying to incorporate the clickers more, and getting to work on the Wiki.


Emily Taylor said...

I am so impressed by all you have done so far this year as a Global Learner! I am excited to work with you this year and feed off of your creativity and enthusiasm!

Kelly Berry said...

Deb you have come a long way with your technology endeavors this year. It was only a few weeks ago when all of your learning was brand new and look at you now! Let me know when you and your students are ready for the wiki or clickers. I can help you co-teach your lessons to get your students started.