Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year, Updated Goal - A Time To Reflectt

On Monday I had a class meeting to jump start our year. We went around and everyone shared their favorite part of their holiday break and then also shared what they were most excited about now that they were back in school. I told my students I'm most excited to be back with them because this is the time of year where their learning and knowledge greatly increases (I showed them the DIBELS chart). I love this time of year in our profession.

Now, I would not have the progress with my students if it was not for the technology I have in my classroom and school. In the fall I let my class blog "go". It's there, but we haven't accessed as frequently as I have in the past. I'm not sure where the second half of the year will take me with the blog. Hmmmm. Last school year I was successful with my SmartBoard math lessons, but this fall I chose to focus on reading.

My goals for the second half of the year are:
  1. Increase the interactivity and engagement for my math lessons by revisiting and revamping my previous SmartBoard lessons.
  2. Create/modify previous research lessons (student launching site is here)
  3. Just keep doing what I'm doing, but always asking myself if there is something I can do better.
So, what are your thoughts on your year?
What is something you feel you have done well?
What is your goal for the second half of the year?

1 comment:

Joseph Miller said...


Thanks for sharing your goals. I think my biggest goal is to comment on the blog more. It is important and inspiring and you all need to hear (not just from me, but from each other). I received a next message Friday night from a colleague that specifically reminded to look to the blog for inspiration when thinking about the big issues in education.

Another goal of mine is to finish more. Finish the projects I start. Make them come fully to fruition. Too many things seem to get to beta form, but never perfect.

Read more books. Working on the checklist manifesto by Atul Gwande right now, then onto Drive by Daniel Pink. Also bought the Medici Effect, but haven't even flipped through that yet.