Thursday, March 6, 2008

Literacy Lesson Plan Using voicethread

After experimenting with voicethread for a professional quest, I have been looking for ways to incorporate it into my lessons. Seeing, how it is a web 2.o version of photostory, I wanted to use it for my students to publish their own stories.
Here is a link to that lesson plan

Also, Please check out my blog I did liveblogging with my ELA students for the first time. They were very engaged and I think it could be a great thing to do regularly! I think this could really lead to critical thinking! I could really use some feedback on scaffolding!

1 comment:

Joseph Miller said...


The lesson plan is broken.

I checked out the LiveBlog and it was really cool. It is like a class discussion, but with more participation. I have seen the liveblog used successfully to backchannel during a that how you used it?

I am anxious to see how the voicethread works out for you. Given that you have mostly ESL students I thought you might be interested in this link to other great ESL resources from darren Draper: